About Me

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Winter Garden, FL, United States
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and an artist. I am a sixth generation Floridian. I love my family and friends, and most definitely the children and youth that I get to work with every week.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Thursday!

You ever have one of those days where you want to accomplish so much? Then at the end of the day realize that really, you accomplished hardly anything?

Well, today wasn’t quite that bad. I mean, I did accomplish a few things. I signed up for a “in addition to” insurance plan through my work. I went to the bank. I shipped a package to Lana, my sister-in-law (which ended up costing me an arm and a leg!). I ate a relatively healthy lunch. I started working on an art project for a friend. I did some clean-up work on my blog. 

But, I’m sitting here at my desk and feeling like, blah, I’m being unproductive.

Probably because yesterday was SO productive. I say that with only a slight tone of sarcasm.
I was called in for jury duty yesterday. HA! More like please drive to downtown Orlando, spend the money on expressway tolls, and then sit in our extremely uncomfortable chairs, and then we won’t call you to actually sit for a jury. Huh! Waste of time. 

I did at least get a fair bit of the way into the new Mercedes Lackey book "Changes" that I just got from the library. If you like fantasy novels at all, I suggest her as an author. I got hooked on her back in middle school, and haven’t been able to appreciate really any other fantasy novelists since.


Oh, after I finally got released from jury duty, I came back to church to work on my Bible study lesson that I was presenting that evening for the youth. Pretty good topic about “righteous anger and community”. We looked over some different types of news articles, talked about bad things that happen in this world, and then watched this video:

Pretty impactful, huh?

So, today I’m nearing the end of my work day, looking forward to Praise Team practice. Felt like I needed to go outside and get in some much needed God and nature time. It’s gorgeous outside right now. Thought I’d share a few pics.

Happy January 26th! Can't wait for January 27th!

1 comment:

  1. The weather has been amazing lately! Trying to get the girls out as much as possible to soak up the random winter blue skies :) Unproductive days are meant to happen now and then to allow up to catch up. So enjoy :)
