About Me

My photo
Winter Garden, FL, United States
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and an artist. I am a sixth generation Floridian. I love my family and friends, and most definitely the children and youth that I get to work with every week.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

It's been forever hasn't it. . .

It really has.

Not to say that plenty hasn't been going on.

I just haven't wanted to sit down and write about it quite yet.

Well, until now.

If you've seen me lately, then you've definitely seen the tiny braid that I've got hanging down on the left side of my head.

I'm calling it my "dealing with it" braid. After Danny and Richard left, after I decided to let go of my position as a youth counselor . . .this little braid just showed up. . .seriously. . .I think fairies came and braided it while I was sleeping.

Maybe it's weird. I don't care. I like it.

Anyways, I have been creating and creating and creating artwork. Loving the heck out of it.

Song of Home self portrait?
"Deity" Folk Art
Add to that, I'm presenting an art camp for middle school and high school students this summer.  This has encouraged me to reopen my Pinterest account and get inspired! Loving all the artistic ideas that I'm digging up. My puzzle piece for the May show at SOBO was based on an idea I found recently.

Head Space

Currently working on a very complicated piece.
The theme for the June show is "She Sells Seashells".

Doors to Another World
Lots of rental property issues being dealt with right now. It's becoming a very expensive spring and summer for the Wiggins' clan.

Oh, and I'm going to visit my bro in two weeks.
Can't wait!! It'll be a celebration of his 30th and my 32nd birthdays.
WOO HOO! We're OLD!!!