About Me

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Winter Garden, FL, United States
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and an artist. I am a sixth generation Floridian. I love my family and friends, and most definitely the children and youth that I get to work with every week.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter is always a busy day. . .

Well, I allowed for one day of reading on my last post. . .here's the next one.

I'm the unofficial photographer at our church ( as well as the worship tech/media person), so I thought I'd share with you some of the shots I took on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

These are some shots of the altar area during our 
Good Friday "Tenebrae-A Service of Lights and Shadows". There are seven candles lined up on the table, representing the seven Sundays of Lent. As the seven last words of Christ are read, each candle is extinguished. At the end of the service all the Christian elements of the room are removed, last being the Christ candle. This leaves the room in complete darkness. If you'll notice the black cloth in the background, that's a shroud that is placed over the Garden of Gethsemane window.

These last three are just a few of the shots I took during both the Sunrise and later morning worship services. The white cross is found in our front courtyard (it is also featured in the movie "Letters to God" along with our sanctuary). Each Holy Week I dress the cross with the following colors: Purple for Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday, black for Good Friday, and White for Easter. It's my own small form of worship, especially when you take into account the prayers I lift up while climbing up the ladder!
The next pic is of the shroud being taken down during our 9:00a worship service. We begin the service in total darkness, no lights, and no elements of Christianity. As the first hymn is sung "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" the crucifer makes his way forward, followed by our Easter banner, altar cross, Bible, the Christ Candle, and finally the acolyte who lights all the candles. It is at this time, when the candles are lit that Richard begins to lower the shroud. "Hallelujah, Christ is Risen!"
The last pic is of our Easter Cross. This project is taken on each year by the ladies of the church. It's covered in sphagnum moss and then loaded with Gladiolas. It holds a particular place in our heart, because families throughout the year take their Easter pictures in front of it. The cross doesn't change even as we the church people grow old.

Well, I hope your Easter was as beautiful as mine!!
Grace and Peace!

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