About Me

My photo
Winter Garden, FL, United States
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and an artist. I am a sixth generation Floridian. I love my family and friends, and most definitely the children and youth that I get to work with every week.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February is surprising me

Fun times. Sick times. Surprises and Bliss.

Toby and I. Enjoying the weather.
Loving the fact that we live so far out that we can be as ridiculous as possible and nobody ever sees us.

Few more enjoyable bits.

The swamp maples are putting on their spring show. Waxy, shiny, beautiful little fairy wings.

Chewy is getting the pots ready for spring planting. At least that's what we assume. He keeps moving the planters around the yard at night. It's different every morning.

My friend Elisha and her family came down to visit from Cohoes, NY this last week. I'd never met her son Joseph (Jojo), who is only a few months older than my niece Leya.

These pics are of Jojo and Toby enjoying each others company. Meaning, Toby doesn't quite know how to play with an infant. He kept snapping at him playfully and then rushing Jojo like herding dogs go after sheep and cattle. Jojo thought the whole thing was hilarious. So these pics are blurred like crazy, but it was lots of fun to watch.

The weather for the first part of February has been perfect. When I say perfect, I mean PERFECT. . .I do not know how else to describe it. Mom and I took a moment yesterday to grab an ice cream cone at the downtown shop, Scoops, and then enjoyed the swings by the fountain.
We had a rummage sale meeting at 1:00p, and neither of us wanted to leave the wonder of that moment.

Oh well.
Heaven can wait.

I end with a little trailer park humor.
This sign showed up on the end of a unit next door to a trailer that my parents own.
Mom and I assume that these people like the fleas.

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Creeping Crud

We will start today with a little poetry. . .

Invitation by Shel Silverstein

If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer. . .
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

I'm sick again. Have been for a week now. Was sick back in December. The creeping crud has returned. Stronger than before.

But, in spite of all that, I've had some really good days recently. I got approved for a loan, I got my taxes filed, and I have been helping mom get the rental business in a more organized state. No matter how sick I've been feeling, I'm appreciating the sense of accomplishment.

Not only that, but God has really been working on opening my eyes to the wonders all around me. Literally. It seems like they're getting thrown in front of me.

Beautiful Sunsets while collecting rent in the trailer parks. . .

 Gorgeous little snakes that slither down my front door to fall at my feet when I open it.  This baby black racer is non-poisonous, and a good little guy to have around for pest control.

 These last couple don't have pictures to accompany them, unfortunately. Mom and I were driving the other day into town and witnessed a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers chasing each other around a telephone pole.
The other little bit of wonder is that I have a pair of bluebirds nesting in one of my fence bluebird houses! I'm so excited!

I allowed myself a bit of a splurge on Wednesday. Bought myself a windchime to hang over my bromeliad bed. It's so delicate and mystical sounding. Brings a smile to face every time I hear it chime.

Other little tid bits that cheer me up in the midst of my sick. Toby went with me on Tuesday to take Steve to have an epidural shot. This required that the pup and I sat in the car for a couple of hours (they have a waiting room, but it's really not comfortable).

It wasn't hot, just bright. Toby wasn't really thrilled with the whole thing, just happy that he got to go with me. If you notice, I don't look too thrilled either. This is because I began to get chills while we waited, along with more of the hacking cough. Yech.

Chewie caught me unawares the other day. Just happened to catch this shot with my phone. He does this all the time so that his mom, Carrie, doesn't get all the dog food.

 The two of them are named after Star Wars. Chewie is obviously from Chewbacca the Wookie. Carrie is named for Carrie Fisher who played Princess Leia.

Speaking of Star Wars, I have to share the little gift that Richard left on my desk. They're pop up cards. I'll be sending them on to others who'll appreciate them just as much!

Check out these skies!. . . Ugh. . .Just absolutely breathtaking. . .

 To end, here's another poem from a book that I bought for my mom. It holds special memories for the two of us. She used to read them to me and Russ when we were little.

Excerpt from "Honey I Love" by Eloise Greenfield
My mama's on the sofa sewing buttons on my coat
I go and sit beside her, I'm through playing with my boat
I hold her arm and kiss it 'cause it feels so soft and warm
Honey, let me tell you that I LOVE my mama's arm
I love to kiss my mama's arm

Monday, February 4, 2013

January's over?!

Doesn't seem like it should be February already. I have to confess, my Christmas tree is still standing in the corner of my living room. It looks a little forlorn now. Why is it so difficult for me to take it down? This is precisely the reason why I didn't put one up for years. Oh well.

Well January here has been satisfyingly typical. Up down up down up down goes the thermometer. It's very obviously driving my sinuses CRAZY.
But, that doesn't mean it hasn't been absolutely GORGEOUS most days. I took this pic while walking Toby up the hill.

The flowers are all starting to burst forth with glorious color. They make me feel all warm and sunshiney. They make me want to start digging in the earth, to start planting new things. Crazy enough, they make me want to start cleaning house. However, I am sane enough to realize that the former statement is only a symptom of Spring Fever, and therefore must be ignored! :)

I did take the time recently to at least freshen up the paint on my totem pole fence post. So that's one thing off of my refresh and renew list! CHECK!

Mom and Dad have been enjoying the pleasant evenings by sitting out on the front porch, or out in the backyard while grilling miscellaneous meats on the charcoal grill. Last week in particular afforded several evenings of splendid weather and spectacular sunsets.

Other than that, not a lot going on. Well, aside from the fact that I'm purchasing my first rental property. Which therein means I'm taking on my first ever HUGE amount of debt. Yup, time to start wearing my big girl pants.

To end, here's some Frog and Feather shots. Hope you have a wonderful first week of February!! :)

Frog flying up the hill on Avalon Road. What a beautiful day!

Toby sends you nose kisses!!