About Me

My photo
Winter Garden, FL, United States
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and an artist. I am a sixth generation Floridian. I love my family and friends, and most definitely the children and youth that I get to work with every week.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Frog and Feather

I've been toying with the idea of starting a series of blog entries on the adventures of Frog and Feather. These would simply be photos and comments of things I see while riding around in my car.

Frog and Feather is based on my dashboard mascot. Both the plastic green frog and his companion white goose feather were things that I picked up off the ground and hung on to.

Anyways, here's a couple of recent captures.

Now these are what would be called iconic Frog and Feather shots. . .because they include "Frog and Feather".
Other shots may be different, for one I may include just shots I take with my cell phone. I hardly ever have my other camera with me, so generally my candid shots are taken with my phone. Like the following:

Moon setting/rising through the fog of the early morning. It was pretty spooky.

Roadside fruit stand on Highway 60 in Plant City, advertising it's boiled peanut prices.

Basically, I just want an excuse to share my funky photos with you. . .enjoy this last pic of my friend Jule's cat Reign. . .asleep. . .with his eyes and his mouth open. . .

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Forgotten moments

It seems like January is the month where I have the most time to blog.
I have more time to think about blogging.

Plus, springtime is beginning to peek around the corner everywhere I look, and it's driving me crazy.

Purple salvia with my rescued poinsettias

Azaleas. . .thinking about blooming

Sweet smelling Almond tree
The dogs even feel it.

Toby keeps finding things with sap to chew on.

Chewy, thoroughly enjoying the sunshine!
Sending warm thoughts to all my friends and family further north!
Here's a sunset picture over the grove to end with.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January Musings

I'm sitting at my computer, at church, and I found myself wanting to write a few words. I was momentarily distracted by the dog, who wanted a pic taken.

It's been a weird few weeks following Christmas. I spend so much time getting ready for the services in December, and it's always kind of a "wow, I have so LITTLE to do" once January steps in. Which is really not true, it just feels that way. For one because it's so quickly time for Ash Wednesday and Lent, and then Holy Week and Easter.  And then mission trip, Vacation Bible School, etc.

So, while I sit here with slightly less to do than normal, I'll type a few words and share a few pics.

If I haven't mentioned it already, I love my pup. Toby and all his eccentricities has totally changed my life. Yes, it comes with complications (not as complicated as those of being a parent!), but it has added a much needed variety to my days. We get up early (usually before sun-up) to take our morning walk and see amazing things like the big dipper in the sky, and sunrises behind the poor chopped up oak tree on the top of the hill (haircut courtesy of the power line crew).

I now walk with one hand holding a flashlight and Toby's leash, in the other my walking stick. I also either whistle or sing as loud as I can. There have been reports of coyotes in the area grabbing small dogs while the owner is walking them on a leash. Hopefully I'm scary enough before the coyote even thinks about getting near enough for me to bean him with my melaleuca stick.

In other news, both my brother and sister-in-law have acquired new jobs!!! :) Which gives me ample excuse to post some pics of my niece. . .ha ha ha.

Warm enough?

Scaring mama on the recliner!! :)

Mom and I have been birdwatching more lately, mainly because it's winter and all the northern ducks are hanging out all over the state.  Here's a few of my favorite pics that I took at Viera and Merritt Island.

Blue Wing Teals

Caspian Tern

Scaup pair


Monday, January 7, 2013

2012 Christmas

So I thought I'd share a few moments from Christmas this year.
This is a painting I did several of to be given as gifts to several lucky people. I'm still working on a few more, even now in January.

Our Christmas eve services were different this year. I found a order of worship on http://www.gbod.org/site/apps/nlnet/content3.aspx?c=nhLRJ2PMKsG&b=5455155&ct=7735769 which we tweaked a little bit.
I used a nativity set that I borrowed from Louise Branom. Here's a few of the shots.

Communion served at a second altar.

Nativity on the main altar with candles

Richard lighting the Gabriel candle.
I thought the service went really well. However, Christmas Eve was the day that the creeping crud finally got me, and I was pretty miserable through both services and at Julie's After Party. As of today, January 7th, the crud is still hanging on.

These are a few of my favorite shots from the candlelight portion of the service. Love capturing these!

Let your light shine!

Santa even made it to the service!

Reilly and Kelsey
I have to share, that even though I didn't feel good, I drove mom and dad down to Bumpa and Aunt Joyce's for Christmas morning. Being with family definitely made the day. That and getting to hear my cousin Allison retell the Christmas story to Reese, Hailey, and Colton. I'm not sure I'll be able to listen to the story again and keep a straight face. Let's just say that a shepherd named Louie made an appearance, and the three kings evidently made a stop at Denny's before making it to Mary and Joseph's house. The morning was all the better because there were plenty of Jiggers and Colton received a rubber band gun (which he wasted no time shooting Megan with!)

Hope your Christmas was joyful!