OH! I have so much to talk about. . .and I can only talk about it now, because I've finally recovered from Holy Week 2012. . .it only took me five days of walking around like a zombie, I might add! :)
So Danny and I decided to once again produce Holy Week prayer stations this year. We'd done them for three years in a row, but in 2010 we decided we needed a break. So, it's been two years since the last time we did them, but it was so much easier this time around.
What is a contemplative prayer station you ask?
entire purpose of a contemplative prayer station is to create a time and
space for people to experience God in their lives. Prayer stations can
be highly creative or an incredibly simple approach to prayer and
spiritual reflection. Typically, a space is set up where people can
enter and participate at their own pace and level. (thanks to
Creative Prayer for the description!)
In fact, I have to give props to Creative Prayer, and a host of other sites online for their creative inspiration. It was a ton of work on my part to search out ideas that would work, as well as all the time that it took to edit and tweak them so that they worked for us. However, if I didn't have the internet as a resource to go to, I don't think we could have pulled any of it off.
Well, I talked about prayer stations two posts ago, letting you in on some of the stuff we'd done before. It was close to the same format this year, with only a few minor changes, stations that were replaced, stations that were newly created, that kind of thing. So I'll post some pics and their descriptions so you can understand better, and maybe utilize them in your own church or faith community.
This journey is not about an agenda or meeting anyone's expectations.
It's simply a time and a place for you to draw close to Jesus.
This first one is a particular favorite of mine. We dressed the area with everything
we could think of that could be considered "idols".
Letting Go of Idols |
Letting Go of Idols
Matthew 4:8-10
Meditate on the scripture. Close you eyes and clench your hands tightly. Imagine all the things that you have allowed to come between you and your worship of God. This could included money, your job, relationships, popularity, technology, hobbies, or any other things you can think of. Then in your own time, still clenching your hands, turn them over so that they are facing down. Imagine God's hands underneath yours. Slowly open your hands so that the things you are carrying fall into God's hands. You may wish to repeat this several times. Then with your hands face up and your palms open ask God's Spirit to fill you afresh.
This station seemed to resonate with everyone who went through.
Forgiving Others |
Forgiving Others
Luke 6:27, 28
Think about some of the people you consider "enemies". When a name (or "names") pop into your head, pick up a stone and use one of the markers to print the person's initials on the stone. While holding the stone in your hand, say a "prayer of blessing" for the person you wrote down. After the prayer, wash the stone in the water and allow God to wash away the grudge you hold against that person as the water washes the ink off. If you are able to set in motion the blessing for the person you prayed for, take the stone home with you to remember to do so . Otherwise, just place your clean stone back into the pile.
This station is wonderful for allowing people to expand their prayer vocabulary.
Praying the Names of God |
Praying the Names of God
John 14:13-14
There are several ways you can pray the Names of God.
-You can simply read through the Names of God.
-You can read through the names of God and then focus on one or two.
-You can read the Names of God until one specific Name "speaks" to your spirit. Remain with this Name until your heart is satisfied.
-Read the Names of God in your prayers to shape your prayers.
Example of such a prayer:
Abba Father, I confess that You are The Supreme God, a God of Mercy and Grace, a Mountain Fortress for all Your children and the Source of all Steadfastness and Encouragement. You are my Father and You have compassion for me. You are the One who does Wonders because You are the Living God.
This one is always visually impacting.
Prayer Chain |
Prayer Chain
Romans 1:9
We are called to be a community of faith, to help each other with our spiritual walk. Think about your relationship with God. Was there someone in your life who helped bring you to know Christ? Are there individuals in your life who need God right now? Do you know someone who has never heard of Jesus Christ and His message of love?
You are invited to take a strip of paper. This strip is a physical representation of your prayers. It can be for a person in your life, it can be for you and your relationship with the Lord, or it might even represent a person or persons that you would like to help bring to Christ. Take this moment to pray for them.
Write down the name or thing that you would like to pray for on the strip of paper.
Pray that God would work in your life or the other person's life.
Pray that God would bring you or the other person into a deeper relationship that revolves around God.
Pray for anything else that comes to mind.
When you have finished, loop it through one of the already completed links in the chain and staple it closed. You may make as many links as you would like.